How to create and manage your Airtable syncs in PowerImporter

We hope you are enjoying using PowerImporter! Whether you are just getting started, or want to learn more about using PowerImporter, you will find below some tips and tricks to make the most of PowerImporter.

How to create your first Airtable to Webflow sync

In this guide, you'll learn how to update your Webflow CMS with Airtable using these 5 steps in PowerImporter:
1 Configure Webflow          
2 Configure Airtable
3 Map Airtable views to Webflow collections
4 Map Airtable fields to Webflow fields
5 Run your sync!

Watch our demo video here to visualise the step-by-step guide.

Your first sync should be done on an empty Webflow CMS. After that, when you sync again, PowerImporter will detect and modify only what has changed since the last sync. This prevents the creation of duplicates in your Webflow site.

Here's a step-by-step walkthrough:

- A Webflow site with collections you'd like to sync.
- A corresponding table structure on Airtable with relevant data.

Step 1: Prepare your Airtable Views

Ensure that you've set up the desired views on Airtable.
Depending on your needs, you might want to sync specific views displaying a subset of your data.
Step 2: Access PowerImporter sync
1. Launch PowerImporter.
2. Choose the option to clone or create a new sync.
Step 3: Webflow API Key Configuration
1. Enter your Webflow API key.
2. Select the Webflow site you want to sync with.
3. Click  "Save and Continue."
Step 4: Airtable API Key Configuration
1. Enter your Airtable API key.
2. Choose the relevant Airtable base.
Step 5: Map Airtable Views to Webflow Collections
1. Select the Airtable view you want to sync.
2. Match it with the corresponding Webflow collection.
Step 6: Field Mapping
1. Map Airtable fields with Webflow collection fields.
2. PowerImporter will display only compatible fields, ensuring smooth mapping.
3. Map specific  fields as needed. For instance, convert rich text fields in Airtable to HTML  for compatibility in Webflow.
Step 7: Test the Sync
1. Click on the "Test and Review" button.
2. PowerImporter  will retrieve Airtable data and map fields without invoking the Webflow API.
3. Check the  simulated results to ensure fields map correctly.
Step 8:  Sync
1. Once satisfied  with the simulation, click "Sync."
2. PowerImporter  will call the Webflow API and update the CMS accordingly.
3. Refresh your  Webflow site to see the updated CMS data.
Step 9:  Continuous Updates
1. If you add, modify, or delete records in Airtable, click "Sync" in PowerImporter after making these changes.
2. PowerImporter will identify any changes and update only the necessary data in Webflow's  CMS.

There are 3 ways you can sync your Airtable data after creating your workflow in PowerImporter:        
1 Manual, immediate sync: best if you prefer to curate data before publishing.
2 Automatic scheduled sync: run at regular intervals (e.g., hourly or daily) to keep your Webflow CMS website constantly up to date
3 Shared sync button
Go here for more detail on each option.

And that's it! This is how you can effectively use PowerImporter to bridge your Airtable database and Webflow CMS.

How to prepare your Airtable data for the PowerImporter sync

To ensure a smooth synchronization process between Airtable and Webflow CMS using PowerImporter, preparing your data in Airtable is essential:

- Structure your tables clearly
- Define fields precisely
- Make sure you're using the appropriate field types in Airtable
- No redundant or duplicate field in your tables
- Use Linked Records for Relationships
- Clean Your Data
- Utilize Rich Text Fields Where Necessary
- Backup Before Sync
- Document Your Structure

Here's a comprehensive guide to help you best set up your data in Airtable:
1 Structure your tables clearly
- Ensure each table in Airtable has a clear purpose.
- For instance, if you’re dealing with products, have a single table dedicated to product information. If dealing with clients, have another separate table for client information.
- Depending on your needs, you might want to sync specific views displaying a subset of your data.
- Use clear and consistent naming conventions for table names, ensuring they're descriptive of the content they hold.

2 Define fields precisely
- Make sure you're using the appropriate field types in Airtable.
- For example, use 'Number' fields for numerical data, 'Single Line Text' for short textual information, 'Long Text' for detailed descriptions, etc.

3 Make sure you're using the appropriate field types in Airtable
- For example, use 'Number' fields for numerical data, 'Single Line Text' for short textual information, 'Long Text' for detailed descriptions, etc.

4 No redundant or duplicate field in your tables
- Ensure there's no redundant or duplicate field in your tables.
- Each field should store unique information.

5 Use Linked Records for Relationships
- If your data structure involves relationships between different tables, utilize Airtable's 'Linked Record' feature. This allows you to connect entries from one table to another, making data more organized and reducing redundancy.

6 Clean Your Data
- Ensure there are no records with essential fields left empty. These could cause issues during synchronization.

7 Utilize Rich Text Fields Where Necessary
- If you plan on syncing data that includes formatted text or embedded images, utilize Airtable's rich text field.
- During synchronization, PowerImporter can convert this to HTML for compatibility with Webflow

8  Backup Before Sync
- Always have a recent backup of your Airtable base before initiating any synchronization.
- This precaution ensures you can restore your data if any issues arise during the sync.

9  Document Your Structure (especially useful for teams)
Keep a brief document outlining the purpose and structure of each table and field. This not only helps with future modifications but also assists anyone else working with the Airtable base.

By following the steps above, your Airtable data will be well-prepared for synchronization with Webflow using PowerImporter.
Proper preparation minimizes the chances of errors and ensures a seamless integration process for your sync.

The 3 ways to sync your data from Airtable to Webflow

In this guide, you'll learn the 3 ways you can update your Webflow CMS with Airtable using PowerImporter.
1 Direct Sync using PowerImporter        
2 Scheduled Sync via PowerImporter
3 Public Sync Button (great for teams)

Here's a step-by-step walkthrough:

- A Webflow site with collections you'd like to sync.
- A corresponding table structure on Airtable with relevant data.
- A sync set up in PowerImporter

1. Direct sync using PowerImporter - the one-off sync, when you need to sync
- Step 1: Log into PowerImporter.        
- Step 2: Click the ‘sync’ button to initiate the synchronization process.

2. Scheduled Sync via PowerImporter - the automatic sync, whenever something changes in your Airtable data
1. After creating a sync in PowerImporter, you can configure a schedule for automatic synchronization.
2. This can be set to run every hour, every 5 minutes, or every minute, depending on your needs and on your PowerImporter plan.
This option is available to paid plans only.

3. The Public Sync Button - give access to anyone in your team to perform a sync when they need to
This method allows your team to launch a sync without needing direct access to PowerImporter. Here's how:
1. Within PowerImporter, click on 'edit'
2. Navigate to 'embed' and generate a public URL. This link is secure and only those who have access to it can launch the sync.
3. Share the generated link directly with your team. They can open the link in a new tab and click a button to launch the sync.
4. Alternatively, embed the link into an iframe, possibly on an admin dashboard, giving administrators control over when to initiate the sync.
5. For those who are more tech-savvy, consider embedding the sync button directly within Airtable. Add an embed app on the side of Airtable, click ‘add’, and paste the generated URL. Resize it as needed. Now, whenever your team modifies data in Airtable, they can initiate a sync directly from there.
6. If you're a power user, you can also execute an HTTP POST to the provided URL, launching the sync from platforms like webhooks, Airtable automations, or even Zapier.

For more detail on the Public sync button, go here.

And that's it! This is how you can effectively use PowerImporter to bridge your Airtable database and Webflow CMS..

How to configure an Automatic Sync Schedule in PowerImporter

While manual sync is the default mode in PowerImporter, you have the option to establish a schedule for automatic synchronization at specified intervals.

For instance, you can configure PowerImporter to perform the sync every 5 minutes (depending on your PowerImporter plan), ensuring your content is consistently current without manual intervention.

Watch our demo video here to visualise the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Access the Sync Schedule Settings
Log in to your Power Importer account.
> Navigate to your sync, then click on "Schedule".
Please note the "Schedule" button only appears once you have completed one manual sync. This is to minimise the risk of errors during the automatic sync.

Step 2: Set Your Schedule Preferences
> Time Zone:
Select the time zone that applies to your schedule. This ensures that the sync occurs at the correct time relative to your location.
> Start Time: Determine when you want the first sync to start. Set this time using a 24-hour format. For example, if you want the sync to start at 3 PM, input '15:00'.
> Repeat Interval:
Decide how frequently the sync should repeat. You can choose to repeat the sync every few hours or minutes depending on your needs, and on your PowerImporter plan.
If you choose to sync at a frequency that your plan does not match, you will see an error message.
For example if you subscribed to a Starter plan, and you try to sync every 5 minutes, you will see a message prompting you to upgrade your plan, because the Starter plan only allows an hourly auto-sync.
To check which frequency your plan allows, go to this page.

Step 3: Consider the Email Notification Option
PowerImporter offers the option to receive email notifications if something goes wrong. This feature will alert you via email if the system encounters any issues during the automatic sync process. We recommend that you tick that box to enable it. The emails will be sent to the email address associated to your account.

Step 3: Enable Automatic Sync
Once you've set your time zone, start time, and repeat interval, enable the automatic sync by clicing on"Create Schedule".
This will activate the schedule, meaning the system will automatically sync your data according to the preferences you've set.

With these steps, you should be able to set up an automatic sync schedule in Power Importer, simplifying your Webflow syncing and ensuring your data is always up-to-date.

Keep in mind that with an automatic sync schedule in place, manual sync options are not available anymore.
This is to ensure that your data remains consistent and the automated process works efficiently.
If you want to go back to manual syncing, you will need to delete your sync schedule.

How to change or cancel your Automatic Sync Schedule in PowerImporter

To change the schedule of your sync in PowerImporter, you need to cancel any existing schedule first, and then create a new one.

Whatch our demo video here to visualise the step-by-step guide.

Here’s how to change your automatic sync schedule:
1. Navigate to the details page of the sync you wish to reschedule.
2. Look for the red “Cancel schedule” button
3. Click on “Cancel schedule” to remove the current schedule. Confirmin the pop-up window when prompted.
4. After cancellation, the blue “Schedule” button will become available again, allowing you to create a new schedule for your workflow. You can then follow the steps described in the section above this one.

If you want to go back to manual syncing, you will need to delete your automatic sync schedule.
Here’s how to cancel your automatic sync schedule:
1. Navigate to the details page of the workflow you wish to reschedule.
2. Look for the red “Cancel schedule” button
3. Click on “Cancel schedule” to remove the current schedule.
4. After cancellation, click on the "Sync" button for a manual sync.

How to receive Email notifications when your Airtable sync fails or has errors

If you have set up Auto-sync for your Airtable to Webflow sync, you can get email notifications in case your sync contains errors.

How it works
When you set up your Auto-sync, make sure you tick the box next to "Email me when something goes wrong".
You will be notified by email when your sync contains errors or warnings.
The email address PowerImporter sends the notifications to is the one that your account is set up under. If you need to change the email address, you can do it here.
The email will always contain a link to your sync, so you can click and fix the issues immediately.

Important warning
‍Please note: for all emails you receive, if you do not click on the link to fix the issues, or log into your account, you will not receive another email if you have further errors.
It is therefore important to acknowledge these emails and fix the issues, or at least check them out by logging into your PowerImporter account.

How to use the Public Sync URL feature

How it works:
The Public Sync URL allows you and your team to perform data syncs without the need to log into the PowerImporter website. A simple click on a URL initiates the sync process instantly.

The 3 ways you can use the Public Sync URL feature
1. Direct Sharing:
Share the URL directly with your team. This is ideal for teams who need quick, easy access to initiate a sync without navigating through additional interfaces.
2. Embedding in Tools: Embed the URL in Airtable or within an <iframe>. This works best in scenarios where you want to integrate syncing capabilities seamlessly within your existing digital workspace.
3. As a Webhook: Use the URL as a Webhook with a POST method for automated syncing. This is particularly effective for automated workflows where data needs to be synced in real-time or on a scheduled basis.

This feature offers swift and straightforward syncing operations. It also eliminates the need to share PowerImporter account details with your team members, enhancing security.

Important Consideration:
This tool should be used with care. Once a sync is initiated via the Public Sync URL, there is no "undo" option, and no additional checks are performed. It's ideal for routine syncs with well-verified data but requires cautious use to avoid unintended syncs.

Here's a step-by-step walkthrough:

1. Direct Sharing:
- Navigate to the Public Sync URL creation page on PowerImporter.
- Generate the URL and copy it.
- Share this URL directly with your team members via email, messaging apps, or your preferred communication tool.
- Team members simply click the URL to initiate an immediate sync.

2. Embedding in Airtable or an <iframe>:
- After generating the Public Sync URL, embed it into an Airtable base or within an <iframe> on your internal site or dashboard.
- This can be done by inserting the URL in the embed code section of Airtable or the source attribute of the <iframe> tag.
- Users can then sync data directly from within these platforms, integrating seamlessly into your existing digital environment.

3. Using as a Webhook with a POST Method:
- Set up the Public Sync URL as a Webhook endpoint in your system or the third-party service that supports Webhook functionality.
- Configure it to use a POST method, ensuring that it triggers a sync upon receiving a specific data payload or at predetermined events.
- This setup is ideal for automated, real-time syncing or for executing syncs at scheduled intervals, minimizing manual intervention.

And that's it! This is how you can effectively use the PowerImporter Public Sync URL feature to sync your Airtable database and Webflow CMS.

Watch this video for a step-by-step runthrough by Marc, or go to this page for even more detail, including how to cancel your Public Sync URL.

How to cancel or replace the Public Sync URL

Method 1: Generating a New URL to Replace the Previous Public Sync URL (This will invalidate the previous URL)

1 Log In to Your Dashboard:
- Navigate to your PowerImporter dashboard and log in with your credentials.
2 Access the Public Sync URL Section:
- Navigate to your Airtable to Webflow Sync, Step 5, Click on Edit > Embed
3 Generate a New URL :
- Click on "Regenerate new". This action will automatically invalidate the previous URL.
4 Confirm the Action:
- You will be prompted to confirm your decision. Confirm that you want to generate a new URL.
5 Distribute the New URL:
- Share the newly generated URL with your team or embed it as needed.

Method 2: Revoking the Existing URL to Cancel the Previous Public Sync URL (Without creating a new one)

1 Log In to Your Dashboard:
- Navigate to your PowerImporter dashboard and log in with your credentials.
2 Access the Public Sync URL Section:
- Navigate to your Airtable to Webflow Sync, Step 5, Click on Edit > Embed
3 Choose to Revoke:
- Click on "Revoke"
4 Confirm Revocation:
- A prompt will appear asking you to confirm the revocation of your URL.
5 Confirm to proceed
Upon confirmation, the Public Sync URL will be revoked and will no longer initiate syncs.

Both methods provide a secure way to control and manage your Public Sync URL, ensuring that you have the flexibility to manage your syncing processes effectively. Remember to communicate any changes to your team to prevent confusion or unintended sync attempts!

How to Manage Item Order when syncing in PowerImporter

Understanding Item Order with PowerImporter
When using PowerImporter to sync your data from Airtable to Webflow, the order of items as they're created or synced isn't inherently controllable through PowerImporter. This is due to the way PowerImporter processes data in bulk actions. However, there are workarounds within Airtable and Webflow that allow you to manage the order of your items effectively:
Method 1: Using a Number Field
1. Create a Number Field in Airtable: Add a new field to your Airtable base, formatted as a number. This field can represent the desired order of your items when they appear in Webflow.
2. Sort in Webflow: After syncing your Airtable base with Webflow through PowerImporter, use Webflow's sort functionality within the collection list settings to sort items based on the number field you've created.
Method 2: Using Time Created for Sorting
1. Create a Formula Field in Airtable: If you want to sort items by the time they were created, add a formula field in your Airtable base using the `CREATED_TIME()` formula.
2. Map the Field in PowerImporter: Ensure this new formula field is mapped in PowerImporter to correspond with a field in your Webflow CMS.
3. Sort by Time Field in Webflow: Utilize the sort feature in Webflow to organize your collection items based on the mapped formula field, which reflects the creation time.
Additional Tips:
Initial Setup: When setting up your sync for the first time, it's helpful to plan out how you want your items ordered to ensure smooth sorting in Webflow.
> Data Consistency: Maintain consistent use of the ordering field in Airtable for new entries to keep your Webflow collection organized as new items are synced.

How to set up Multi-Option Fields with PowerImporter

Webflow's CMS doesn’t natively support multi-select options in the same way Airtable does.
However, you can achieve a similar function by utilizing multi-reference fields within Webflow and syncing them through PowerImporter from your Airtable base.
Here's how you can set it up:
1. Create a Separate Table: In Airtable, you'll need to have a dedicated table that contains all the possible options for your multi-reference field.
2. Link to Records: In your main Airtable table, add a "Link to a record" field that connects to your options table. This will act as your multi-reference connection.
3. PowerImporter Mapping: Within PowerImporter, map both the main table and the options table to the corresponding structures in Webflow, ensuring that the "Link to a record" field in Airtable corresponds with the multi-reference field in Webflow.

Importing Items as Drafts in Webflow

Currently, PowerImporter imports items directly to your Webflow CMS and publishes them live.

If you're looking to have your items imported as drafts, here's what you need to know: PowerImporter does not have an option to import items into Webflow as drafts. All items imported are immediately live on your Webflow site.

If you have items in your Airtable database that are not ready to be be published,  we recommend that you use the Views functionality to filter out records that are not ready to be published.

This way when you sync with PowerImporter, you only sync the items that need to be published.

Still have questions? Email us at